Theater OF The Performing Arts_June 1985 (2)THEATER or THE RERta ORMIWG ARTS 13$ bate ?Cont'd'5 6-/5/85 not overdesigned but rev'g to get project. R-30 underway; requested Project Mgr be auth.' to competitively seek bids beyond low bidder; advised not charging for interim wk.; pro- ject will prob. be scheduled for fut. time and facility open for 85-86 season. Robert L. Turchin, Value Engr/Project Mgr, recom- mended bids for steel, gen. wk., plastering and drywall, & masonry be rejected and rebid; suggested City regs. prohibiting ne- gotiations w/any but low bidder be expanded (C Atty cited Ord. 85-2462). Mr. Turchin advised negotiating w/bidders in all aspects of project in effort to reduce costs. Comr. MATER ATER Off` TRE PERFORMING ARTS 1$9 Date (Cont'd) 675/85 Weisburd requested written rep. bef6/26/85 R-30 mtg, Mayor Fromberg asked &rolls. to rev. a/o, elec., etc. to det. what needs to be repaired /repl'd if City does not proceed w/project and incl. in rep. Item scheduled for 6/26/85 mtg. @ 3:30. Comr. Daoud re- quested contr. w/Vincent E. Grimm, Jr. Cap. Project Consultant, be rev'd and terminated if City does not proceed w/project. Comr. Daoud proffered Dr. Phil Frost's alt. of const'g a new theater. Dr. Frost to contact Mgr. to discuss idea. (see CAPITAL PROJECTS) THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 140 Date 6/5/85 Memo 310-85, res. amd'g Community Benefit R -7A Com. auth. (granting Com. auth. to use sur- charges col. on TOPA tkts fr. 11/1/84 to 5/6/85 to sponsor free events in Cony. Ctr. for residents 65 or older); def. to 6/26/85 pending rep. on TOPA Renovation Project bid negotiations. (see CONVENTION CTR. COMPLEX, COMMUNITY BENEFIT COMMITTEE) 6/5/85 Res. amdg Community Benefit Com. auth. R -7B (granting Com. auth. to use surcharges col. on TOPA tkts. fr. 11/1/84 to 5/6/85 to spon- sor free events in TOPA or other events taking pl. in MB for sr. Bits.), def to