Theater Of The Performing Arts_June 1985THHATBR Off' THB PBRPORMING ARTS 141 Date (Cont'd) 6/5/85 6/26/86 pending rep. on TOPA Renovation R-718 Project bid negotiations. C Atty to det. whether City can retain surcharge funds if it does not proceed w/TOPA Project. (see COMMUNITY BENBEIT COM.) 6/26/85 Memo 393-85, request fr. the Community Bene - C -5F fit Com. to pres. free "In the Pink" concert in Theater of the Performing Arts on 7/30/85 for MB sr. cits; w/drawn by Mgr at request of proposer. (see COMMUNITY BENEFIT COM. FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS) THEATER OF' THE PERFORMING ARTS 142 Date 6/26/85 Memo 396-85, arch./engr. and project mgr. R -3E reps. on TOPA renovation bid negotiations; spkrs. heard. Bids rejected; Ad Hoc TOPA Renovation Com. to meet w/Arch./Engrs. and Project Mgr (w/no charges by the latter), w/understanding City is not waiving legal rts. it may have against parties; evaluate reps. and other alts.; and submit prelimi- nary rep. 7/24/85 w/final rep. and recommen- dation by 9/4/85. C Atty to det. City's legal options, incl'g recourse and legal ramifications; whether amd'd plans for pro- ject could be legally funded by bonds since diff. than project pres'd for vote; det. if THEATER Off' THE PBREOaMING ARTS 143 Date (Cont'd) 6/26/85 bona proceeds could he utilized for const. R -3E of new theater if TOPA Renovation Project cannot be accomplished w/in budget; and sub- mit rep. and recommendation. Bond Counsel to render opinion bef. 7/10/85 mtg. as to City's exposure by not proceeding w/project, and actions City is and/or should be taking. C Atty auth to retain arch./engr'g/design expert to analyze situation and provide guidance as to City's rts. and remedies. (see AD HOC TOPA RENOVATION COM., BOND COUNSEL, ARCHITECTS & ENGRS)