Zoning_March 1974ZONING 1177
Meeting Date
Consideration of abandonment of East-West Alley
along north lot lines of lots 7 thru 10 and
south lot line of Lot 11, Block 6, Normandy
Beach South (Near Abbott Ave. & 71 St) in
exchange for 10 -ft. alley on north ten feet of
lot 12. Hearing continued to Apr. 3, 1974 at
3 P.M. to enable proponents and neighboring
property owner to resolve differences. 3/20/74
Request of Mesivta Sr. H.S. of Greater Miami
for public hearing to consider rezoning Lmt 5,
Block 9, Flamingo Terrace Extension (Flamingo
Dr. opposite West 25 St.) from RS -3, single
family residential, to RM -60, for use as a
Meeting Date
boys' high school. Atty. for applicant advised
to meet with City Atty. and Planning & Zoning
Director to discuss proper procedures to be taken
to determine if they can qualify to be rezoned. 3/20/74
ZONING 11781
Meeting Date
Consideration of abandonment of East-West alley
along north lot lines of lots 7 thru 10 and
south lot line of lot 11, block 6, Normandy
Beach South (near Abbott Ave. & 71 St.) in
exchange for a 10 ft. alley on north 10 ft. of
Lot 12. Current application withdrawn. Public
hearing called for May 1, 1974, 3:00 P.M.on
revised application. Applicant to bear all costs
of new hearing. 4/3/74
Ord. 74-1991 amending Ord. 1891, Sect. 8-1-B.6
re: swimming pool decks, and section 6.1-E.2
re: minimum side yard areas. 4/3/74