Zoning_April to May 1974ZONING 1182 Meeting Date Ord. 74-1993 adopted, Ord. No. 1891, placing lots 4 thru 13, amended plat resub, of Lot 1, Block 1, Mid -golf sub. (commonly known as the Blvd. Hotel, 775 Dade Blvd.) in newly - created hotel -motel district and area district. 4/17/74 Planning Bd. recommendation that Council approve use of property at 1724 Meridian Ave. (N. 25 Ft. of Lot 3, and S. 37.5 ft. of Lot 4, Block 21, Golf Course subdivision) as conditional use for non-commercial parking lot for use of employees. Conditional use approved. 5/1/71+ ZONING 1183 Meeting Res. 74-14362 adopted, re: abandonment of East- West alley along north lot lines of Lots 7 thru 10 and South lot line of Lot 11, Block 6, Normandy Beach South (near Abbott Ave. & 71 St.) in exchange for a 10 -ft. alley 21 feet south of North boundary line of Lot 12 in said block. Authorized abandonment of existing alleyway and relocation of same with proviso that there will be curb, landscaping and 5' high louvered wall on north 2'—z feet of Lot 12, Block 6; said abandonment and relocation conditioned upon approval of conditional use by Planning Bd. and City Council. 5/1/74 ZONING 1184 / Meeting Date Report izoning residential construction districts, as requested by Council on 2/6/74 deferred to May 15, 1974. City Council to review and determine which items they wish to refer to Planning Bd. for consideration and public hearings. 5/1/74 Planning Bd. recommendation that Council adopt plan submitted for the property West of Biarritz Dr., South of Tract 65 and North of Tract 46A (across street from Normandy Golf Course Club House, 2400 Biarritz Dr.) to include 4 tennis courts with a 50 -ft. setback on So. side of property. Public hearing