Zoning_May 1974ZONING 1185 Meeting Date called for 6/5/74, 2:30 p.m. to consider recommendation of Planning Bd. that plan be adopted. Amending Ord. 1891 to provide for penalties re: violations of ord. Referred to Planning Bd. for study and recommendations. Planning Bd. report with opinion no change be made in Zoning Ord. to include "Condominium" and "Cooperative", pertaining to service or accessory uses permitted therein not reached. Deferred to May 15, 1974. ZONING Planning Bd report containing opinion that no change be made in zoning ord. so as to include words "condominium"&"cooperative",pertaining to service or accessory uises permitted therein. City Atty reported that matter is presently being litigated. Planning Bd report withdrawn, to be replaced by City Atty. when matter is adjudicated. 5/15/74 Planning Bd. request to attend the Practicing Law Institute, Denver, 5/23-24/74 authorized for 2 Planning Bd. members to be selected by Chairman to travel at City expense. 5/15/74 5/1/74 5/1/74 5/1/74 Date86 ZONING 1186A Date Planning Brd. recommendation (after District 5/15/74 Court of Appeal Judgment) that Breitbart Pro- perty, 4230 North Bay Road (portions of Lots 43,44 & 45, Block 1, Nautilus Subdivision) be rezoned from RM -14 "Multiple Family" to PUD -1 "Planned Unit Development". City Atty. requested to prepare appropriate Ord. for consideration at the June 5, 1974 meeting.