Zoning_June 1974ZONING 1187
Hearing to consider Planning Bd. recommenda- 6/5/74
tion (,ouncil adopt plan submitted for "MU"
municipal property west of Biarritz Dr., So.
of tract 65 and No. of tract 46A(across St. from
Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouse, 2400
Biarritz Dr.), to include 4 tennis courts with
50 -ft. setbacks on So. side of property, as a con-
ditional use, concluded. Recommendations of Planning
Bd. approved, and Administration requested to
beautify area with necessary landscaping. Council-
man Weinstein requested that future plans for area
include a fishing facility along waterway, and urged
that plans for reconstruction of Club proceed
zONING 1188
Ord.,,ippassed, on 1st reading -amending Zoning 6/5/74
Ord.51691 and maps attached thereto and made
a part thereof, to rezone Breitbart property
(4230 N.Bay Rd.)portions of Lots 43,44 and 45,
Block 1, Nautilus Subdiv., from RM -14 Multiple
Fam., to PUD -1, Planned Unit Dev.
Hearing and 2nd reading scheduled -7/10/74.
Report of Planning Bd. on residential con-
struction in commercially zoned districts, as
requested by Council 2/6/74(deferred from
5/15/74), deferred to 6/19/74.
Planning Bd..recommendation that Ord. #1891
remain as written re penalties i nZUnnec� cin
with violations of Zoning Ord. - deferred to
Letter from Leonard Zilbert,Pres. MB Heb.Home for 6/19/74
Aged, requesting rezoning of its property at 320
Collins Ave. from RM-100"Multiple Family" to RH-
Hosp.Dist. to permit expansion, referred to
Planning Bd.
Rept.of Planning Bd. on residential construc- 6/19/74
tion in commercially zoned districts, req. by
Council 2/6/74, deferred to 7/10/74.