Zoning_June to July 1974ZONING 1190 Date Planning Bd.recom.that Ord.#1891 remain as 6/19/74 written re penalties in connection with vio- lations of Zoning Ord. - Deferred to 7/10/74. Amending Zoning Ord. No. 1891 so as to rezone 7/10/74 the Breitbart Property (Portions of Lots 43, 44 & 45, Block 1, Nautilus Subdivision) located at 4230 North Bay Road, from RM -14 Multiple Family District to PUD -1, Planned Unit Development. (First reading June 5, 1974). Hearing continued to Aug,. 1974, Notice T hearing to be given to all property owners within 375 ft. ZONING 1191 Meeti nq Date ORDINANCES - PUBLIC HEARING - FOR ADOPTION 7/10/74 ON SECOND & FINAL READING- Council estab- lished policy that all property owners within 375 ft of affected property, will be notified of public hearing at time of second and final reading of any ordinance pertaining to zoning. Report of Planning Board on residential con- 7/10/74 struction in Commercially Zoned Districts, as requested by Council on Feb. 6, 1974, deferred to July 17, 1974 meeting. Planning Board recommendation that Ord. No. 7/10/74 1891 remain as written regarding penalties ZONING 1192 Meeting Date in connection with violations of the Zoning Ord., deferred to July 17 1974 meeting. 7/10/74