Zoning_September to October 1974ZONING 1198 Meetiaa Date Planning Bd. recommendation that Ord. No. 9/4/74 1891 remain as written regarding penalties in connection with violations of the Zon- ing Ord. (Deferred from 8/21/74.) Matter referred back to Planning Bd. with request that hearing be called to amend Hotel -Motel Use District of Zoning Ord. so as to provide for a penalty of up to $1,000 per day when a hotel room is used for other than transient purposes. Report of Planning Bd. on residential con- 9/4/74 struction in commercially zoned Districts, as requested by Council on 2/6/74 (deferred from 8/21/74). Referred to Planning Bd. ZONING for public hearings on recommendations for changes as well as no changes, as contained in Board's report of 4/25/74. Mr. Harry Plissner appeared and requested that action be taken on creation of a Nursing Home District. Council was ad- vised that this matter has been scheduled for consideration by the Planning Board. 1199 Meeting Date 9/4/74 Consideration of Planning Brd. recommendation 10/2/74 to amend Sec. 7-3(B) (Accessory Uses) of Ord. #1891 (City Zoning Ord.) to permit certain ZONING 1200 DATE designated uses as Accessory Uses in apts. & apts. hotels containing 100 or more tran- sitional units; also, consideration of an amendment to Sec. 3-2 of Zoning Ord. to add definition of term "Transitional Units." Continued to Nov. 6 1974 at 3:00 .m., for full Council. City Clerk to re -notify all interested parties. Continued to Dec. 18, 1974, at 3:30 p.m., at 11/6/74 request of Atty. Arthur Snyder, who agreed to pay costs of readvertising the consideration of Planning Brd. recommendation to amend sec. 7-3B (Accessory Uses) of Ord. No. 1891 (City Zoning Ord.) to permit certain designated uses