Zoning_November to December 1974ZONING
as Accessory Uses in apartments and apartment
hotels containing 100 or more transitional
units; also, consideration of amendment to
Sec. 3-2 of Zoning Ord. to add definition of
the term "transitional unit".
Request of Atty. Alan Weinstein for discus-
sion of rescinding ord. prohibiting flashing
lights, as set forth in Zoning Ord. #1891.
To be placed on 12/11/1974 agenda
Request of Atty. Alan Weinstein for discus-
sion on rescinding Ord. #1867 prohibiting
flashing lights. (set by Council 11/20/74).
Not reached Deferred to 12/18/74.
Hearing held and concluded. Decision deferred 12/1S/74
to 1/15/75, 3:00 P.M., Planning Boar members
requested to be present to furnish reasons for
recommendation for amendment to Zoning Ord. re:
certain accessory uses in apartments and apart-
ment hotels which contain 100 or more transi-
tional units; and adding definition of tran-
sitional unit.
Appeal of Planning Brd. denial of application 12/18/74
for conditional use for Mr. Samuel's Inc., to
engage in pawnbrokerage at 756 Arthur Godfrey
Rd. i.. .ffirmed 11/6/74 action in u -
holding Planning Brd's denial.(See-7'arF 6,Planning Com)
Councilman Dr. Haber requested the Planning &
Zoning Dept. to consider alternate commercial
(cont'd) 1203
areas in which pawn brokerage establishments Date
could be located, and to submit recommendations.
Councilman Sahl requested 1/8/75 agenda place-
ment of discussion to consider referring to
the Planning Brd. the upgrading of the commer-
cial zoning of Arthur Godfrey Rd. 12/18/74
Request of Atty. Alan Weinstein for dis- 12/18/74
cussion on rescinding Ord. No. 1867 prohi-
biting flashing lights.
Planning Brd. requested to review and submit
recommendations re: possible changes in sign
regulations pertaining to flashing lights.
People in industry, as well as affected parties,
to be consulted in course of Planning Brd. review.