Zoning_January to February 1975 (2)ZONING Consideration of rescinding Public Hearing called for 3/5/75, concerning penalty item for violations of Zoning Ord. relative to the Hotel -Motel (H -M) District, pending Planning Brd. Hearing and recommendation. Res. #75-14596 adopted, rescinding Res. #75- 14589 calling a public hearing on 3/5/75, at 3:00 p.m., and also directing the Planning Brd. to proceed to carry out Council's previous directions. 1206 Date 1/15/75 Decision on Planning Brd. recommendation for an amendment to Zoning Ord. re: certain ac- cessory uses in apartments and apartment hotels which contain 100 .or mare transitional 2/5/75 (continuecu ZONING (cont'd) units; and adding definition of transitional unit. (Public Hearing Held and concluded on 12/18/74). Deferred to 3/19/75, at 3:00 P.M. at the request of Mr. Neil Schiff, Receiver for the Carriage House. Request by Vic Potamkin Chevrolet, Inc., for exception from sign regulations of Zoning Ord. To be placed on 2/19/75 agenda. Request of Mr. T. Kanov of Beach Motel, 8601 Harding Ave., for Special Exception from the Zoning Ord. in accordance with section 11 -id to erect a sign not in con- formance with Zoning Ord. requirements. ZONING (cont'd) Non -conforming 1207 Date 2/5/75 2/5/75 1208 Date sign (15 sq. ft.) approved. 2/5/75 Request of Atty. Elliot Miller, representing owners of property at 4800 Alton Rd., to argue the propriety of City Atty's handling of litigation arising out of the granting of a Zoning Variance to owners of property at 4815 North Bay Rd. To be placed on 2/19/75 agenda. Consideration of Planning Board's recom- mendation of approval for site plan for 1700 Michigan Avenue for Cuban Hebrew 2/5/75