Zoning_January to February 1975ZONING Consideration of rescinding Public Hearing called for 3/5/75, concerning penalty item for violations of Zoning Ord. relative to the Hotel -Motel (H -M) District, pending Planning Brd. Hearing and recommendation. Res. #75-14596 adopted, rescinding Res. #75- 14589 calling a public hearing on 3/5/75, at 3:00 p.m., and also directing the Planning Brd. to proceed to carry out Council's previous directions. 1206 Date 1/15/75 Decision on Planning Brd. recommendation for an amendment to Zoning Ord. re: certain ac- cessory uses in apartments and apartment hotels which contain( 100 Dr mare transitional 2/5/75 ZONING (cont'd) units; and adding definition of transitional unit. (Public Hearing Held and concluded on 12/18/74). Deferred to 3/19/75, at 3:00 P.M. at the request of Mr. Neil Schiff, Receiver for the Carriage House. Request by Vic Potamkin Chevrolet, Inc., for exception from sign regulations of Zoning Ord. To be placed on 2/19/75 agenda. Request of Mr. T. Kanov of Beach Motel, 8601 Harding Ave., for Special Exception from the Zoning Ord. in accordance with section 11-1d to erect a sign not in con- formance with Zoning Ord. requirements. ZONING (cont'd) Non -conforming sign (15 sq. ft.) approved. Request of Atty. Elliot Miller, representing owners of property at 4800 Alton Rd., to argue the propriety of City Atty's handling of litigation arising out of the granting of a Zoning Variance to owners of property at 4815 North Bay Rd. To be placed on 2/19/75 agenda. Consideration of Planning Board's recom- mendation of approval for site plan for 1700 Michigan Avenue for Cuban Hebrew Congregation, with certain conditions. Hearing concluded. Site plan approved. 1207 Date 2/5/75 2/5/75 1208 Date 2/5/75 2/5/75