Zoning_February to March 1975ZONING 1209
(cont'd) Date
Applicant to comply with all landscaping as
illustrated in rendering. Site plan delivered
to Planning & Zoning Director for inclusion in
City Records. 2/19/75
Request by Vic Potamkin Chevrolet, Inc., for
an exception from sign regulations of Zoning
Ord. No. 1891, (set by Council 2/5/75) approved.2/19/75
Planning Brd. notice of acceptance of pro-
posed amendment to Sec. 9-6 of Zoning Ord. re:
Parking in Front Yards. Res. #75-14628
adopted, calling public hearing on April 2, 2/19/75
1975 at 3:00 p.m..
Request by Atty. Ben Cohen to address Council
re: rezoning Morton Towers property, 1500 Bay
Rd., from Residential Multiple -Family Use back
to Business Use. To be placed on 3/19/75 agenda.
City Atty. to render opinion as to whether pro-
per notice had been given at time of rezoning. 3/12/75
Request of Hebrew Home for the Aged, 320 Col-
lins Ave., for zoning change to permit expan-
sion of said Nursing Home. Deferred per recom-
mendation of Admin.
Request of Mr. Robert Napp, of Big Daddy's for
amendment to Sec. 6-9 B.15 of Zoning Ord.
No. 1891, to permit Sidewalk Cafes on side
streets adjacent to an existing restaurant on
Lincoln Road. Referred to the Planning Brd.
for consideration.
Communication from Pastor of Community Church
opposing Sidewalk Cafe for Big Daddy's filed
with records of meeting, copy furnished to
Planning & Zoning Dir. for appropriate dis-
Planning Brd. recommendation that the penalty
for violations of Zoning Ord. #1891 be changed
from $500 to $1,000. Deferred to 3/19/75.
Decision on Planning Board recommendation for
an amendment to Zoning Ord. re: certain acces-
sory uses in apts. & apt. hotels which contain