Zoning_April 1975ZONING 1215
(coned) Date
at 6th and llth St. Requested by Councilman
Sahl. City Atty. rendered opinion that Council
may, by resolution, waive particular zoning re-
quirements for public housing; that an expression
by Council at this time as to the waiving of cer-
tain zoning requirements for these projects will
advise potential developers to draw plans without
regard to existing zoning limitations and when
plans are submitted, Council can act to waive
those requirements it desires. City Mgr. directed
to submit names of appraisers for Council consid-
eration at 4/16/75 meeting, for appraisal of prop-
erties, and do whatever necessary to bring forth
culmination of project. 4/2/75
Planning Brd. recommendation to deny proposed 4/2/75
zoning change in the Purdy Ave. -20th St Area
(C-4 Business District) to allow commercial
and residential uses, with a height limitation
of 40'. Council accepted Planning Brd's recom-
mendation to deny proposed zoning change.
Planning Brd. recommendation of zoning change 4/2/75
in the Purdy Ave. -20th St. area (C-4 Business
District) to only allow residential construc-
tion in this C-4 District as a Conditional Use
with certain specified standards. Motion to
accept Planning Brd's recommendation failed
of passage.
Planning Brd. recommendation to deny inclusion 4/2/75
of Nursing Homes as a Conditional Use in the
following Zoning Districts: RM -100; RM -125;
C-1; C-2; C-3; C-4; C-5. Deferred to April 16,
1975 meeting, at request of representative of
Hebrew Home for the Aged.
Zoning Brd. recommendation that penalty for 5/7/75
violations of Zoning Ord. No. 1891 be in-
creased from $500 to $1,000. Hearing concluded.
Ord. passed on first reading, hearing and
second reading scheduled for June 4, 1975.
Request of Barnett Bank for Council approval 5/7/75
of a special exception from requirements of
the Sign Ord. in order to erect oversize