Zoning_May to July 1975ZONING
signs at its new facility at 1414 Alton Rd.,
Request by Councilman Sahl for amendment to
Zoning Ord. #1891 to remove restrictions on
doctors in apartment houses, who specialize
in medical care for Senior Citizens. Referred
to Planning Brd. for review and recommendation.
Amending Zoning Ord. #1891 to increase the penal- 6/4/75
ties for violations to $1,000 (1st reading, May
7, 1975). Hearing concluded. Ord. #75-2039
Request of Jefferson Nat. Bnk. for Council 6/4/75
waiver of Sec. 61-2(A) Zoning Ord. #1891,
so that it may file application to Rezone
Lot 1, Blk.2, Orchard Subd. #4, (4200 Pine
Tree Dr.) from RS -3, Single -Family Use, to
a use which permits parking of vehicles for
bank clients, (set by Council 5/21/75). City
Council, on its own initiative, referred re-
quest to Planning Brd. for hearing and recom-
Mr. Shepard Broad appeared and advised of his 6/4/75
intended appearance at Federal Home Loan Bnk
in Atlanta, 6/5/75, regarding establishment of
a savings and loan branch bank in Morton Towers,
in an RM -125 zoning classification. ".., in his
opinion, this is not a permissible use under
RM -125." Council indicated to Mr. Broad that
he has the authority to advise the banking au-
thorities that it has not had sufficient time
to consider the matter, and that further review
was required before any decision can be made in
respect to whether a savings and loan branch
bank is a permissible use in RM -125 zoning.
Res. #75-14765 adopted, calling public hearing 7/16/75
on 8/6/75 at 2:30 p.m. to consider recommen-
dation of Planning Brd. that Sec. 11-2 of Zoning
Ord. #1891 be amended so as to permit names of
registered real estate brokers on "For Sale" and