Zoning_July 1975ZONING 1221
(cont'd) Date
"For Lease" signs in letters of no more than 1"
height, and to permit words "By appointment only".7/16/75
Res. #75-14766 adopted, calling public hearing 7/16/75
on 8/6/75 at 3:00 p.m. to consider amendment
to Zoning Ord. so as to create the CCC -Conven-
tion Center District per recommendation of
Planning Brd. (creation of new zoning district
for use of air rights for hotels and merchan-
dise mart in Convention Center Complex area).
Notice from Planning Brd. re: failure of motions 7/16/75
to recommend amendment to Zoning Ord. #1891 re-
lative to house doctors located in apartments and
apartment hotels having 100 or more dewlling units.
(cont'd) Date
Deferred to 8/6/75 per request of Councilman
Recommendation of Planning Brd. to deny appli- 7/16/75
cation of Jefferson Nat. Bank for rezoning of
Lot 1, Blk 3, Orchard Subdiv. #4, (4200 Pine
Tree Dr.) from RS -3 Single Family use to C-2
General Office District, to permit parking of
vehicles for bank clients. Council approved
recommendation of Planning Brd. that application
of Bank for rezoning, be denied. Owner of pro-
perty to north of subject property complained of
unsightliness of this lot.
Pursuant to request of Councilman Dr. Haber,
City Atty. and Planning & Zoning Director
rendered oral report concerning violations.
Councilman Dr. Haber then requested complete
report from all departments involved, and
recommendations for steps to be taken to
correct situation.
Hearing held and concluded to consider amendment 8/6/75
to Zoning Ord. #1891 to permit names of regis-
tered Real Estate Brokers on "For Sale" and "For
Rent" signs. Ord. passed on first reading.
Hearing and second reading scheduled for 9/3/75.
(Public hearing set by Council 7/16/75).