Zoning_July 1975ZONING 1221 (cont'd) Date "For Lease" signs in letters of no more than 1" height, and to permit words "By appointment only".7/16/75 Res. #75-14766 adopted, calling public hearing 7/16/75 on 8/6/75 at 3:00 p.m. to consider amendment to Zoning Ord. so as to create the CCC -Conven- tion Center District per recommendation of Planning Brd. (creation of new zoning district for use of air rights for hotels and merchan- dise mart in Convention Center Complex area). Notice from Planning Brd. re: failure of motions 7/16/75 to recommend amendment to Zoning Ord. #1891 re- lative to house doctors located in apartments and apartment hotels having 100 or more dewlling units. ZONING 1222 (cont'd) Date Deferred to 8/6/75 per request of Councilman 7/16/75 Recommendation of Planning Brd. to deny appli- 7/16/75 cation of Jefferson Nat. Bank for rezoning of Lot 1, Blk 3, Orchard Subdiv. #4, (4200 Pine Tree Dr.) from RS -3 Single Family use to C-2 General Office District, to permit parking of vehicles for bank clients. Council approved recommendation of Planning Brd. that application of Bank for rezoning, be denied. Owner of pro- perty to north of subject property complained of unsightliness of this lot. ZONING Pursuant to request of Councilman Dr. Haber, City Atty. and Planning & Zoning Director rendered oral report concerning violations. Councilman Dr. Haber then requested complete report from all departments involved, and recommendations for steps to be taken to correct situation. 1223 Date 7/16/75 Hearing held and concluded to consider amendment 8/6/75 to Zoning Ord. #1891 to permit names of regis- tered Real Estate Brokers on "For Sale" and "For Rent" signs. Ord. passed on first reading. Hearing and second reading scheduled for 9/3/75. (Public hearing set by Council 7/16/75).