Zoning_August 1975ZONING (cont'd) district. (Deferred from 7/16/75). 1227 Date 8/6/75 Planning Brd, recommendation to approve request 8/6/75 of Deauville Operating Corp. for conditional use on Lots 28,29 & 30, Blk 3, 2nd Ocean Front Sub (67th St and Indian Creek Dr) to construct Tennis Courts and a 1 -story Parking Deck on an existing parking lot, (deferred from 7/16/75). Public hearing called for 9/3/75 at 3:00 p.m. City Atty. recommended that before Council changes any recom- mendation by the Planning Brd. relative to a condi- tional use, a public hearing be mandatory, and that the Zoning Ord. be amended to this effect. ZONING 1228 Date Planning Brd. recommendation that Council 8/6/75 approve conditional use on Lot 7, Blk 44, Ocean Beach Add. #3 (910 Penn. Ave.) to permit an off-street parking lot for sole use by Bank of M.B. located at 930 Washington Ave. Public hearing called for 9/17/75 at 2:30 p.m. Discussion of Zoning Enforcement procedures, as 8/6/75 requested by Councilman Spaet. Also requested Admin. to furnish a monthly status report on disposition of enforcement of laws when vio- lations are cited. Request of So. Shore Hospital for exception to 8/6/75 provisions of Zoning Ord. #1891, in order to ZONING (cont'd) erect a Tower Clock and Weather Beacon. No action taken. Applicant to meet with Admin. to attempt to work out suitable compromise. 1229 Date 8/6/75 Request of Bank of M.B. for exception to pro- 8/6/75 visions of Zoning Ord. #1891 in order to erect additional sign on its building at 960 Alton Rd. No action taken. Applicant to meet with Admin. to attempt to work out suitable compromise. Request of Flagler Fed. S&L Assn. of Miami to 8/6/75 open a satellite office at 444-446 Collins Ave., as a non -conforming use. City Atty. advised that this was a permitted use at this location, and that request could be handled adminsitratively.