Zoning_August to September 1975ZONING 1230
(cont'd) Date
City Atty. was requested to furnish written
opinion for the file. Admin. and City Atty.
to pursue proposal made by bank's atty.,
Mr. Allison, concerning possible modular con-
struction and possible waiving of damages in
the event of future condemnation of property. 8/6/75
Consideration of Planning Brd. recommendation 9/3/75
to approve request of Deauville Operating Corp.
for a Conditional Use on Lots 28,29 & 30, Blk 3,
Second Oceanfront Subd. (67th St. & Indian Creek
Dr.) to construct tennis courts and a 1 story
parking deck on an existing parking lot. Hearing
opened and concluded. Planning & Zoning Director
advised of possible different application to be
mads. He was directed to contact Atty. Avrach
(cont'd) Date
and to advise City Mgr. as to future scheduling
of this item- 9/3/75
Hearing continued to 11/19/75, at 3:00 p.m., 9/3/75
at request of City Mgr. re: consideration of
amending Ord. #1891 to create a CCC -Convention
Center District for use of air rights for hotels
and merchandise mart in Conv. Center Complex
Hearing held, concluded. Ord. #75-2041 adopted 9/3/75
amending Sec. 11-2 of Zoning Ord. #1891 to author-
ize and permit Realtors' and Brokers' names to
appear on "For Sale" signs. (1st reading 8/6/75).
Amending Chapt. 8 of City Code to conform to 9/3/75
Dade Co. Ord. #75-19, relative to refunds,
time limitation, revocation, etc., of fees
charged by Dade Co. Building & Zoning Dept.,
(deferred from 8/6/75). Deferred to 9/17/75.
Not reached.
Res. #75-14824 adopted, changing date of public 9/17/75
hearing from10/15/75 to 11/19/75 at 3:30 p.m.,
requested by Hebrew Home for the Aged by letter.
Presentation made by Mr. Jack Taylor re- 9/17/75
questing waiver of certain zoning regulations
applicable to Housing Authority's Alton Road
property in connection with proposed construction