Zoning_September 1975ZONING
of 200 low cost units for the elderly to the
north of existing Rebecca Towers. City Atty.
rendered opinion that Council may take juris-
diction of this matter and has authority to
grant or deny the request; said public housing
is specifically defined as a public purpose,
therefore, request for waiver of zoning re-
quirements involves a public purpose on public
property and no precedent is established by
waiver of requirements of notice and due process
to other property owners. Res. #75-14823 adopted,
waiving following zoning regulations on Housing
Authority property:
1) 10.75 ft. of the 30 ft. required side yard
2) 204 required off-street parking spaces.
3) The maximum density of 258 units by per-
mitting an excess of 142 units over the
Mr. Jack Taylor designated as Honorary Project
Coordinator, without compensation, to work with
various City agencies, Governmental agencies and
Housing Authority in furtherance of construction
of additional low cost housing for,the elderly
on Housing Authority property.
Planning Brd. recommendation that Council ap- 9/17/75
prove Conditional Use on Lot 7, Blk. 44, Ocean
Beach Addition #3 (910 Pa. Ave.) to permit an
off-street parking lot solely for use by Bank
of M.B. located at 930 Washington Ave. Public
Hearing concluded. Conditional Use approved.
Applicant to comply with City and Co. land-
scaping regulations.
Amending Chap. 8 of City Code to conform to 9/18/75
Dade Co. Ord. #75-19, re: refunds, time limi-
tation, revocation, etc., of fees charged by
Dade Co. Building & Zoning Dept.,(deferred
from 9/3/75). Deferred to Oct. 1, 1975.
Amending Chap. 8 of City Code to conform to 10/1/75
Dade Co. Ord. #75-19 re: Refunds, Time Limi-
tation, Revocation, etc., of fees charged by
Dade Co. Bldg. and Zoning Dept., deferred to