Zoning_October 1975ZONING 1236
(cont'd) Date
October 15, 1975. 10/1/75
Planning Brd. recommendation, after public hearing 10/1/75
that City Council amend Sec. 7.3 of Zoning Ord.
to permit customer -bank communication terminals
and/or remote financial service units as an ac-
cessory use in apartment buildings having 100 or
more dwelling units and located in RM -100 and
RM -125 Zoning Districts, provided that no agent
or employee of this bank is to be stationed at
the location of such facility. Res. #75-14835
adopted calling Public Hearing, Nov. 5, 1975 at
11.00 a m Admin. to notify directly all tenants
in affected buildings.
Amending Chap. 8 of City Code to conform to Dade 1077775
Co. Ord. ##75-19, authorizing refunds of Building
Permit Fees upon certain conditions, (deferred
from 10/1/75). Deferred until ord. is reviewed
by City Atty. and Admin. and resubmitted with
recommendations. Councilman Dr. Haber said he
would like to know what the City's costs of
processing such applications are and he would
like to be certain that the City would not be
refunding monies in excess of its costs.
Planning Brd. recommendation of approval of 2 10/15/75
revised site plans for conditional use (Tennis
Courts) by Deauville Operating Corp. Public
Hearing called for Nov_. 19. 1975, at 2:30 p.m.,
(Cont' d)
for conditional use (tennis courts) Site A,
6685 Indian Creek Drive (Lots 33-36, Blk. 7,
2nd Oceanfront Subdivision).
Request by Atty. Ben Cohen for permission to
establish Satellite Bank of Washington Federal
S & L Assoc. at Morton Towers Apts., 1500 Bay
Rd. Deferred to 11/5/75, at request of Atty.
Ben Cohen.
Request for approval of a non -conforming sign 10/15/75
by Bay Auto Parts, 1416 - 20th St., to be
placed on 11/ 5/75 agenda.