Zoning_November 1975ZONING
Consideration of Planning Brd. recommendation
to amend Sec. 7.3 of Zoning Ord. to permit
Customer -Bank Communication Terminals and/or
remote financial service as an accessory use
in apartment buildings having 100 or more units
located in RM -100 and RM -125 Zoning Districts.
Continued to Nov. 19, 1975 at 11:00 a.m. Admin.
to notify tenants in affected buildings.
Request of Bank of M.B. for exception to
Zoning ord. requirements in order to erect
an additional sign on its building at 960
Alton Rd. approved, subject to condition out-
lined in memorandum dated 10/30/75.
Res. #75-14855 adopted calling Public Hearing
on Dec. 10, 1975, at 2:30 p.m., re: Planning
Brd. recommendation of Council approval of pro-
posed zoning ord. amendment to authorize duly
licensed doctors to conduct, as an accessory
use in convalescent homes, retirement homes,
nursing homes and homes for the aged, a gener-
al geriatric practice, with certain conditions.
Request for approval of non -conforming sign for 11/5/75
Bay Auto Parts, 1416 - 20th St., deferred to
Nov. 19, 1975. Admin. to meet with applicant
and attempt to resolve problem of sign pro-
jecting over City sidewalk.
Planning Brd. recommendation of Council ap-
proval of conditional use for property on
Lots 32 & 33, Blk 36, Part 1, Isle of Nor-
mandy (1969-71 - 71st St.) to permit private
social club serving alcoholic beverages.
Public hearing called for Dec. 10, 1975 at
3:00 p.m.
Consideration of Planning Board recommendation
to amend Sec. 7.3 of Zoning Ord. to permit
Customer -Bank Communication Terminals and/or
Remote Financial Service as an accessory use
in apartment bldgs. having 100 or more units
located in RM -100 and RM -125 Zoning Districts,
provided that no agent or employee of the bank