Zoning_November to December 1975ZONING 1245
(continued) Date
for independent action. 11/19/75
Request by Stein's Inc., a hardware store lo- 11/19/75
cated at 726 Washington Ave., for waiver of
zoning regulations for non -conforming sign,
Request by Atty. Stanley Angel, representing 12/11/75
Casablanca Hotel and Sherry Frontenac Hotel
owner in Municipal Court cases, for Council's
adoption of a resolution in connection there-
with. To be placed on 12/17/75 agenda.
Public Hearing held and concluded re: Planning 12/11/75
Brd. recommendation to amend Zoning Ord. to
(continued) Date
authorize licensed doctors to conduct, as an
accessory use in Convalescent Homes, Retirement
Homes, Nursing Homes and Homes for the Aged, a
General Geriatric Practice, with certain con-
ditions. Action tabled per request of Council-
man Sahl who indicated he would present addi-
tional information at some later date. 12/11/75
Public Hearing held and concluded re: Planning 12/10/75
Brd. recommendation of Council approval of con-
ditional use for property on Lots 32-33, Blk 36,
Part 1, Isle of Normandy (1969 -71 -71st St.) to
permit Private Social Club serving alcoholic
beverages. Conditional Use approved.
Planning & Zoning Director's memo re: Planning
Brd. Public Hearing 11/26/75 to consider amend-
ing zoning ord. to permit flashing signs in
Commercial Districts. Res. #75-14893 adopted,
calling Public Hearing on Jan. 21, 1975, 2:30
p.m., to consider amending Sec. 36-11 of Zon-
ing Ord. so as to permit flashing signs in Com-
mercial districts.
Request by Atty. Joseph Pardo to discuss en- 12/17/75
forcement of Zoning Ord., Sec. 8-1B.8, refer-
ring to Boats and Boat Trailers parked on
private property. Not reached. Deferred to