Zoning_December 1975 to January 1976ZONING
Ord. amending Zoning Ord. #1891 to create a
CCC -Convention Center District for use of
air rights for hotels and merchandise mart in
Conv. Center Complex area, (first reading
11/19/75). Hearing concluded. Ord. #75-2051
adopted, as amended.
Ord. amending Sec. 7.3 of Zoning Ord. to permit 12/17/75
customer -bank communication terminals and/or
remote financial service as an accessory use in
apartment buildings having 400 or more units,
located in RM -100 and RM -125 Zoning Districts,
provided that no agent or employee of the bank
is to be stationed at the location of such
facility, (1st reading 11/19/75). Hearing
(continued) Date
concluded. Ord. #75-2052 adopted. 12/17/75
Request by Attorney Stanley Angel, representing 12/17/75
owner of Casablanca and Sherry Frontenac Hotels
in Municipal Court cases, for Council's adoption
of a resolution in connection therewith. Deferred
to 1/21/76, at 4:00 p.m., Time Certain.
Letter from Mr. Joseph Pardo re: provisions
of Sec. 8-1B.8 of Zoning Ord. which prohibits
parking of boats and boat trailers in front
yards, (deferred from 12/17/75), referred to
Planning Board
Hearing held and concluded on consideration of 1/21/76
(continued) Date
amending Sec. 36-11 of Zonina Ord. to permit
Flashing Signs in Commercial Districts. A
motion to refer this matter to Admin. with a
view to liberalizing provisions of sign ord.,
failed of passage. A motion to retain the status
quo on Sec. 36-11 of sign ord. carried. Coun-
cilman Weinstein requested Admin. to review sign
ord. for possible liberalization, to provide more
lighting in commercial areas of City. 1/21/76
Appearance of Mr. Stanley Angel to request
adoption of resolution in connection with
Municipal Court cases filed by City against
owner of Casablanca and Sherry Frontenac Hotels
for violations of Zoning Ord. Deferred to