Zoning_May 1976ZONING 1262 Date Amending Sec. 11 of Zoning Ord. to permit 5/5/76 Flashing Light Signs in Commercial Districts, (deferred from 4/28/76). Proposed ord. failed of passage on 1st reading. (NOTE: Did not receive required 5/7ths vote.) Councilman Meyerson requested Admin. to explore 5/5/76 possibility of liberalizing existing laws per- taining to restaurants and service facilities in high rises, etc., with respect to allowing them to advertise their restaurants and facil- ities so as to stimulate competition in City. Hearing conducted and concluded re: considera- 5/19/76 tion of Planning Brd. recommendation that ZONING 1263 (continued) Date Sec. 16-2 of Ord. #1891 (Zoning Ord.) be amended by creating a new zoning District "M -R -R (Marine Residential and Recreational District)" to per- mit marine dockage as a conditional use in area described as follows: On outlots between west boundary of Indian Creek Dr. and east boundary of Indian Creek Waterway between 26th St on So. and 44th St. on No., and on outlots between west boundary of Collins Ave., and east boundary of Indian Creek Waterway from 44th St on So. to out - lot 23 on No. (approximately 5500 blk of Collins Ave) which area is presently zoned RS -4 (Single Family). Presentation made by Marine Authority, following which action was deferred with all af- fected City Depts. and Brds. to meet and review 5/19/76 ZONING 1264 (continued) Date situation and subsequently submit recommendations to Council for appropriate action. 5/19/76 Request of Central Taxi Service, Inc. for 7/7/76 clarification and change in conditional use granted by Council on March 17, 1976 to permit dispensation of gasoline. To be scheduled for July 21, 1976. Request of South Shore Hospital for permission 7/8/76 to erect tower clock and weather beacon. Not reached. Deferred to July 21, 1976. Correspondence from Atty. Michael Katz re: 7/7/76 accessory use restaurants and conditional uses