Zoning_July 1976ZONING (continued) Date in Zone RM -125. Referred to Planning Board for expeditious hearing and recommendation. 7/7/76 Request of S. Shore Hospital for permission 7/21/76 to erect Tower Clock and Weather Beacon, (deferred from 7/8/76). Deferred to Auq. 4, 1976. Admin. requested -to furnish Council with sketches comparing size of sign being requested with size presently permitted under sign ordinance. Request of Central Taxi Service, Inc., for clari- 7/21/76 fication and change in conditional use granted by Council on March 17, 1976, to permit dispens- ing of gasoline at their Alton Rd. site. (Set 1265 ZONING 1266 (continued) Date by Council 7/7/76). Atty. Steve Avrach, re- presenting Central Taxi, advised that his client's matter would be presented to Planning Brd., but in the meantime, they are seekingrelief from daily citations being issued by City because of violations. Council took no action on request for relief. Petition from neighboring property owners and residents, objecting to noise and disturbance created by operation, filed with records of meeting. 7/21/76 Request by Radio Station 96X for special excep- 7/21/76 tion to sign ord. at 825 Arthur Godfrey Road. Request for special exception granted for 144 sq. ft. flat sign painting of applicant's logo. ZONING (continued) Planning & Zoning Director advised he would be recommending to Planning Brd. that they review present sign regulations in effect for Arthur Godfrey Rd., from Alton Rd. to Pine Tree Dr., with a view to standardizing same. 1267 Date 7/21/76 Request of South Shore Hospital to erect 8/4/76 Tower clock, weather beacon and sign (119 sq. ft. 11'8" wide, 10'2" high), approved. (Deferred from 7/21/76). Planning Brd. recommendation that Sec. 7-3 of 8/4/76 Zoning Ord. #11891, be amended to allow acces- sory use restaurants in apartments and apart- ment hotels containing 100 or more units to