Zoning_August to October 1976ZONING
advertise in the media and to serve the public
at large. Res. #76-15107 adopted, calling a
public hearing Sept. 1, 1976, at 2:15 p.m., to
consider amending Zoning Ord. per recommenda-
tions of Planning Board. City Atty. requested
to prepare appropriate ord. for Council's con-
Hearing held and concluded, re: consideration 9/1/76
of Planning Brd. recommendation to amend Sec.
7-3 of City Zoning Ord. to allow accessory use
restaurants in apartments and apartment hotels
containing 100 or more units to advertise in
the media and to serve the public at large.
Ord. passed on 1st reading. Hearing and 2nd
(continued) Date
reading scheduled for Oct. 6, 1976, at 2:00 p.m. 9/1/76
Mr. Louis Levine requested postponement of hear-
ings re: 2nd reading of Ord. re: restaurants as
accessory uses in apartment buildings, because
he will be unable to attend, and was advised to
meet with City Atty. to review provisions he is
suggesting be included in ordinance.
Hearing held and concluded re: amending Sec. 7 10/6/76
of Zoning Ord. Ord. amended prior to second
reading so as to limit advertising and public
use of Accessory Use Restaurants to structures
located in RM -125 Multiple Family Use District
only, with no exterior signs. Ord. #76-2073
(continued) Date
adopted, as amended. 10/6/76
Public Hearing called for Nov. 3, 1976, at 10/6/76
3:30 p.m., to consider Planning Board's recom-
mendation that Council approve a conditional
use for installation of two gasoline pumps at
the UTOTEM OF MIAMI, INC., property located at
2050 - 71st St. and that the board accept site
plan submitted by owner.
Public Hearing called for Nov. 3, 1976, at 10/6/76
4:00 p.m. to consider Planning Board's recom-
mendation that Central Taxi Service, Inc. be
allowed to sell gasoline to members of Central
Taxi Service, Inc„ Assn., and that all activities