Zoning_January 1977 to January 1978ZONING (continued) Home on property located at 1701 Alton Rd. with adjoining property to be utilized for parking only. 1280 Date 1/5/77 Res. #77-15235 adopted, calling public hearing 1/5/77 on Feb. 2, 1977, at 3:00 p.m. to consider amend- ing the Zoning Ord. so as to create a new Dis- trict to be known as M -R -R (Marine Recreational Residential), establishing the uses therein, and to amend other applicable sections of the Ordinance. Request for authorization to issue notice to 1/19/77 comply with liquor license requirements to Gadabout Social Club, Inc. under provisions of ZONING 1281 (continued) Date City Code Sec. 20-20. Police Chief and memrpberrs of his department reported that this establish- ment is serving liquor to public in violation of Conditional Use for operation of a private club which had been granted by Council. Dis- cussion also held on policing problems created by all-night hours of operation. City Atty. directed to assign an Asst. City Atty. to aid Police Dept. in its investigation and to assist in expediting whatever legal matters are in- volved. Planning Dir. to cooperate with Police Dept. to take immediate and decisive action in this matter upon resolution of the legal matters. 1/19/77 ZONING 1282 Date Hearing continued to March 2, 1977, at 3:00 p.m., 2/2/77 to consider amending zoning ord. to create a new district to be known as M -R -R (Marine Recreational, Residential), establishing uses therein. Planning Brd. to review changes proposed by Marine Authority, and to submit report. Hearing held and concluded to consider amending 3/2/77 Zoning Ord. to create a new district to be known as M -R -R (Marine Residential and Recreational Dis- trict) to permit marine dockage as a conditional use in a certain area. Action tabled to 4/6/77, at 2:30 p.m. Councilman Spaet indicated that in interim period he will meet with both Planning Brd.and Marine Brd. to propose certain changes