Zoning_March to April 1977ZONING 1283
(continued) Date
for consideration. 3/2/77
Appearance of Mrs. Walter Mead of Miami Beach 3/16/77
Taxpayer's Assn. to discuss notices to public
re: 4/6/77 public hearing re: creation of M -R -R
District. Recommendation of City Atty. approved
and matter referred back to Planning Board, in
toto, hearings to start de novo, with all pro-
perty owners within 375' of affected area to be
notified by mail.
The proposed ord. for the creation of a new RU 3/30/77
Redevelopment Use district was referred to Plan-
ning Brd. for holding of necessary zoning hear-
ings, etc.., and subsequent recommendations to
City Council.
Planning Brd. recommendation to allow operation 4/6/77
of children's nursery as Conditional Use, at
1439 Alton Rd. Hearing called for May 4, 1977
to consider recommendation of Planning Brd. to
allow, as a Conditional Use, the operation of a
children's nursery at 1439 Alton Rd. (Lot 22,
Blk 109, 0.B.#3), subject to 1) applicant in-
stalling a fence of not less than 4' in height
around the entire area designated for use as
a nursery, separating it from adjacent build-
ings on the premises; 2) limiting the number
of children enrolled to 35; 3) pick up and
delivery of children taking place at rear of
Request by Mr. Gerard Pyszka, atty. for 4/20/77
U -Tote -M of Miami, Inc., for Council's re-
consideration of denial of Conditional Use.
Atty. Michael Lax, representing U -Tote -M of
Miami, Inc. requested a re -hearing on the
basis that his client had not been present
on 11/3/76 when the original request for
conditional use was denied by Council. Upon
advice of the City Atty., Council voted to
vacate and set aside the determination of
Council on 11/3//6.
Council scheduled a hear-
inq for 5/18/77 at 2:30 p.m., to reconsider
Planning Brd's recommendation of 9/22/76 for
approval of conditional use for installation
of 2 gasoline pumps at U -Tote -M of Miami, Inc.,