Zoning_April to May 1977ZONING 1286
(continued) Date
property located at 2050 - 71st St., and that
Planning Brd. accept site plan as submitted by
owner. Applicant to pay for established costs
of hearing. 4/20/77
Hearing held and concluded re: consideration of 5/4/77
Planning Brd. recommendation to allow operation
of a Children's Nursery as a conditional use on
property at 1439 Alton Rd. Action deferred to
2:15 p.m., May 18, 1977. Administration to ob-
tain information as to amount and type of auto
liability insurance coverage carried by buses
used by applicant and requirements of applicable
county and state laws, and prepare report and
Greater Miami Jewish Federation request to ap-
pear re: planned construction of an apartment
house for the elderly at 757 West Ave. (Lots
15-17, Blk. 2, Fleetwood Subdivision). Res.
#77-15337 adopted calling a hearing for 7/6/77,
at 3:00 P.M., to consider waivers and/or vari-
ances from Zoning Ord. #1891, pertaining to
density, parking, and side and rear yard set-
Consideration of Conditional Use Nursery School 5/18/77
at 1439 Alton Rd. (Public hearing held and con-
cluded on May 4, 1977.) Report presented that
insurance coverage was adequate. Council then
approved Planning Brd. recommendation to allow
conditional use of subject property with the
following provisions: 1) that the applicant
install a fence, not less than four feet in
height, around the entire area designated for
use as a nursery, separating it from all ad-
jacent buildings on the premises; 2) that the
number of children enrolled be limited to 35;
3) that the pick-up and delivery of children
take place at the rear of the property.
Hearing held and concluded. Request denied
for conditional use requested by U -Tote -M,
Inc., at 2050 - 71st St. for installation of
two gasoline pumps. (On 4/20/77 Atty. for ap-
plicant appeared before Council and claimed he