Zoning_July to August 1977ZONING
restricted its use to parking for Plaza 800 Apts.
City Atty. advised that this was not the City's
concern, and that it was a matter between the
purchaser and the seller.
First of two required public hearings re: 7/12/77
Planning Brd. recommendation for proposed amend-
ment to Zoning Ord. #1891 to create (RU) Rede-
velopment Use District. Hearing held and con-
Second of two required public hearings re: 7/27/77
Planning Brd. recommendation for proposed amend-
ment to Zoning Ord. #1891 to create (RU) Rede-
velopment Use District. Hearing continued to
(continued) Date
Wednesday, August 3, 1977 at 5:30 p.m. 7/27/77
Hearing held and concluded. Second of two 8/3/77
public hearings on Planning Brd. recommenda-
tion re: proposed amendment to Zoning Ord.
#1891, to create R -U "Redevelopment Use"
Zoning District, (1st hearing 7/12/77. Pro-
posed ord. amended prior to first reading.
Ord. passed on first reading. Hearing and
second reading scheduled for 8/17/77, at
2:30 p.m. Hearing called 8/17/77 at 2:00 p.m.
to consider amending South Shore Redevelopment
Plan to 1) make provision therein that the
Agency will provide 750 low and moderate income
housing units in the Target area, exclusive of
(continued) Date
the existing facilities. 8/3/77
Amendment to Zoning Ord. #1891, to create RU 8/17/77
(Redevelopment Use) Zoning District, (1st
reading 8/3/77). Hearing on second reading
held and concluded. Ord. #77-2099 adopted
as amended. The amendments adopted prior to
final reading were clarifications of two amend-
ments made on the first reading of ord. - re-
establishing City's zoning powers (Sec. 2A);
and providing that in event an unsuccessful
applicant for Site Plan approval prevails in
seeking judicial review of Agency's Brd. ad-
verse decision, the applicant shall be en-
titled to recover his court costs and