Zoning_August to December 1977ZONING 1295
(continued) Date
reasonable atty's fees. (Sec. 22-9(10)(c). The
following proposed amendments offered by Coun-
cilman Dr. Wikler FAILED to receive seconds:
1)That the Ord. be amended to provide that Re-
development Use Zoning be given only for
Phase 1A,1B & 1C of Plan being Parcels A,B,
C,X Y and Z1 of Project Boundary and Land
Use Plan included as Exhibit A.
2)That existing CMB Redevelopment Agency be
dissolved and that powers and authorities
thereof be vested in City Council of CMB:
that Agency be recreated by having only
purely advisory powers. Further providing
that this resolution would be effective upon
approval by electorate and a special election 8/17/77
(continued) Date
to be held Nov. 1, 1977.
3)That a resolution be adopted amending MB Re-
development Plan by barring and prohibiting
the condemnation of any condiminium build-
ings in the Redevelopment area presently 7
years old or less. 8/17/77
Memo #6595, Planning Board recommendations. 11/16/77
Res. #77-15490 adopted, calling a public
hearing on Dec. 21, 1977 at 3:00 p.m., to
consider recommendation of Planning Brd. to
amend Zoning Ord. so as to permit Apartment -
Hotels with 100 or more sleeping units to
have the same accessory uses as permitted in
Hotels with 100 or more sleeping units.
Res. #77-15491 adopted, calling public hearing
on Dec. 21, 1977 at 3:15 p.m., to consider re-
commendation of Planning Brd., to amend Zoning
Ord. terminology, as as to reflect organiza-
tional changes in City's departmental structure.
Mayor Haber requested City Atty, to review the
present provisions of Zoning Ord. which provide
for hearings to be initiated by either Planning
Commission or the City Commission, and to submit
recommendations for establishing more clear-cut
Public Hearing (called on 11/16/77) to consider 12/21/77
Planning Brd. recommendation to amend Zoning
Ord. to permit apartment hotels with 100 or more