Zoning_December 1977 to January 1978ZONING Date
sleeping units to have same accessory uses as
permitted in hotels with 100 or more sleeping
rooms. Hearing continued to 1/4/78, at 3:00 p.m.
Attorney for proponent requested to meet with
the City Atty, the Administration, and represen-
tatives of all other industries which may be
affected by a change, for the purpose of formu-
lating methods by which problem can be addressed, 12/21/77
(See Planning Commission)
Public Hearing (called on 11/16/77) to consider 12/21/77
amending various sections of Zoning Ord. so as
to reflect organization changes in City's De-
partmental structure and terminology changes.
ZONING 1299Dae
Hearing continued to Dec. 29, 1977, at 3:15 p.m. 12/21/77
(See Planning Commission)o
Public hearing (called on 11/16/77) to con- 12/29/77
sider amending various sections of Zoning Ord.
so as to reflect organization changes in City's
Departmental structure and terminology changes.
Hearing continued to Jan. 4, 1978, at 3:15 p.m.
3:00 p.m. public hearing (continued from 1/4/78
12/21/77) to consider Planning Brd. recommen-
dation to amend Zoning Ord° #1891 so as to
permit apartment -hotels with 100 or more sleep-
ing units to have the same accessory uses as
(continued) Date
permitted in hotels with 100 or more sleeping
units. Hearing continued to 1/18/78, at 3:30 p.m.
Administration and City Atty. requested to meet
with Mr. Berger, as well as all interested parties,
including hotel, restaurant and Chamber of Commerce
representatives, to attempt to resolve questions
raised. Mr. Allen Weiss raised question as to
why restaurant establishments located in West
Ave., high rises are permitted to advertise,
and Mayor Haber requested City Atty. to re-
search the matter and to respond. (See Planning
Commission) 1/4/78
Hearing held and concluded (deferred from 1/4/78
12/29/77). Ord. amending Comprehensive