Zoning_January to February 1978ZONING
Zoning Ord. #1891, to implement organization
changes in City's Department structure and
Terminology changes passed on first reading.
Hearin and second reading scheduled for
Jan. 18, 1978, at 2:00 p.m. (See Planning
Hearing held and concluded. Ord. #78-2109 1/18/78
adopted, amending various sections of Zoning
Ord. to reflect organization changes in City's
departmental structure and terminology changes,
(1st reading 1/4/78).
Hearing concluded (continued from 1/4/78). 1/18/78
First reading given ord. amending Sec. 7-3(B)
(continued) Date
of Zoning Ord. #1891, by adding Paragraph (b)
so as to authorize designated accessory uses
in apartment hotels, and stipulating the cri-
teria required. Hearing and 2nd reading
scheduled for Feb. 1, 1978, at 2:00 p,m. Per
remarks of Mr. Irwin Sawitz during the course
of the hearing, Commissioner Weinstein re-
quested Administration to review the occupa-
tional license fee structure pertaining to
hotel rooms and apartment rooms, for considera-
tion during the 1978-1979 budget preparations. 1/18/78
Hearing concluded re: ordinance amending Zoning 2/1/78
Ord. #1891 to permit Apartment -Hotels with 100
or more sleeping units to have the same ac-
cessory uses as permitted in hotels with 100
or more sleeping units (1st reading 1/18/78).
Ord. No. 78-2111 adopted.
Planning Brd. recommendation that Miami Heart 2/15/78
Institute proposal for zoning change from RM -14
to RM -60 be denied. Deferred to March 1, 1978
meeting as a Priority Deferred item.
(NOT ON AGENDA) Court upholds City's denial 2/15/78
to rezone Jefferson National Bank property at
4200 Pine Tree Dr. for parking purposes. For
information only.