Theater Of The Performing Arts_July to September 1985MAMA Off' - TI . P R '6RMY'NG. ARC'S 141 Date (Cont'd) 7/24/85 rep. to be pres'd 9/4/85. Renovations R--84° should take approx. 1 season. (see At HOC TOPA RENOVATION COMMITTER) 9/4/85 Asst. C. Mgr. Richard Fosmoen gave rep. re. R -8B staff mtg. w/reps. of James Stewart Polshek & Partners Archs., & advised they recommend- ed project be rebid for gent. contr. to wk. w/subcontrs. in attempt to obtain project w/in budget, based on orig. plan w/deduct alts. or rev. schematics of not raising the roof in its entirety. He advised Polshek indicated willingness to prepare, at no addnl. cost, schematic drawings for deduct TH AT8A OP P8APORIA N ARTS 148 nate (Cont'd) 9/4/85 alts. & alt. w/out raising roof. Def. --to R=88 9/18/85 pending detn. of payt. requirements, if any, of Polshek bef. prepn. of addnl. drawings. In int., C Atty to furnish Comrs. info. on Polshek's contr. provs. & whether City would be waiving any course of action if arch. proceeded w/rev. schematics at no chg. Acoustician Abraham Melzer to provide written opinion re. acoustics quality w/pro- posed rev. schematics eliminating/red'g raising of roof. Comr. Grenald suggested City simultaneously consider const. ofnew theater, should project not be feasibe. Mr. Fosmoen advised that City has no commit - THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 149 Date (Cont'd) 9/4/85 ments to Project Mgr. Turchin/CRS to cont. R -8B as Const. Mgrs. Mayor Fromberg requested rep. re. cost of necessary repairs to keep facility operational & proposed alt. sound syst. (see AD HOC TOPA RENOVATION COM., ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS) 9/18/85 Rep. fr. Ad Hoc TOPA Renovation Com. def. to R -8B 10/2/85 at request of James Stewart Polshek (project arch.). (see AD HOC TOPA RENOVATION COMMITTEE)