Theater Of The Performing Arts_December 1985THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 152 Date 12/4/85 M#702-85, Community Concert Assn., Inc. C -5D request to waive TOPA rental fee for Winter 1985-86 Concert Series ($1,500 per concert, total $9,000). Letty Greene and Dr. John Bitter appeared explaining anticipated fin. loss. Per Cony. Ctr. Adv. Bd., Admin. recommended request be denied (would set undesirable precedent). Mgr suggested Comm. may attempt to fin. assist CCA, cautioning it would be difficult to det. source fr. City funds considering budget conds.; def. to 12/18/85. CCA, Mgr, Mayor Daoud, and/or Comr. Resnick to meet & attempt to locate funds. Comr. Grenald suggested Adm. review THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 153 Date (Cont'd) 12/4/85 status of Resort Tax rev. Mgr advised he C -5D and Comr. Shockett will be mtg. w/Comm. Benefit Com. to see it can provide support. (see RESORT TAX, COMMUNITY BENEFIT COM. FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS) 12/18/85 M#702-85, request of Community Concert Asso. C -5B to waive rental fee for use of TOPA for their winter 1985-86 series; denied. 12/18/85 M#727-85, request of Zev Bufman org. for C -5E $48,245.65 cr. against their rent for 1985/86 season at TOPA, resulting fr. inability to col. $1 surcharge on subscriber THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 154 Date (Coned) 12/18/85 tkts sold orig. for use at Dade Co. Aud. C -5E Comr. Resnick advised he met w/Joel Arnold, Zev Bufman; Mr. Bufman offered to allow City to spread cr. over 3 -yr. per.; approved. Benita Argos complained of Bufman Org's lack of leniency in extending subs. deadline to long-time subscribers who failed to renew due to circumstances beyond their control (not rec'g renewal notice). Mayor Daoud offered to meet w/Mrs. Argos in effort to rectify situation. 12/18/85 M#739-85, R#85-18324 adopted, auth'g license R -7D agreement w/Gold Star, Inc. for valet pkg.