Theater Of The Performing Arts_December 1985 to January1986THRATE12 Off' THE PERFORMING AMTS 155 Date (Cont'd) 12/18/85 servs. @ TOPA for 90 to 180 days experi- R-7D mental per.; Licensee to charge $5/car, $1 to be pd. to City; proof of ins. required. Admin. to det. most appropriate area(s) to utilize for pkg. Acting VM Singer requested proposed agreement be submitted to Comr. Shockett bef. execution, to ensure his con- cerns are addressed. (see PARKING AREAS (CONTRACTS)) 1/8/86 M#27-86, presentation by James Stewart R -8H Polshek, arch., of revised plans for renova- tion of the Theater of Performing Arts; def. to 1/22/86 at Mgr's request pending Ams THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 156 Date (Cont'd) 1/8/86 rev. of proposal w/Ad Hoc TOPA Renovation R -8H Com. (see AD HOC TOPA RENOVATION COM.) 1/8/86 Discussion on placement of TOPA info booth R -9G during perfs.; not reached, def. to 1/22/86. 1/8/86 Discussion re waiving $1 surchg. for Peppy R-90 Fields' Night of Stars at TOPA (proceeds go to No. Sh. Optimist Club & other orgs.). Ms. Fields pres'd request; surchg. waived. 1/22/86 Comm. approved Mayor Daoud's suggestion that R -9A Adm. wk. w/Chamber of Commerce to establish info. booth @ TOPA (utilizing orange -shaped THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 157 Date (Cont'd) 1/22/86 booth acquired by VCA) w/brochure adv. R -9A businesses and upcoming events. Comr. Singer apptd. as liaison to wk. w/Admin. on proposal together w/Chamber, & VCA; mtg. to be scheduled. (see CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, M.B. VISITOR & CONV. AUTH.) 1/22/86 Rep. def. due to absence of Comr. Weisburd. R -9V 1/24/86 Comm. workshop mtg. held to review ways & means of bring TOPA project w/in budget. Consensus was to have expert outside counsel det. whether City would be waiving any legal