Theater Of The Performing Arts_October 1986 to February 1987THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS Date 10/15/86 R -6B 10/15/86 R -8E 170 M#707-36, rep. on 10/7/86 Cap. Improvements Com. mtg. re. proposed TOPA renovation design eng'g/arch. firms ranking; for info. only. (see CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE) M#704-86, Sel. Com's rescoring of design engr'g/arch. firms proposals for TOPA reno- vation. C Atty advised, pursuant to Borrelli /Frankel/Blitstein's lawsuit, Ct. ruled once Comm. ranked firms, it did not have auth. to w,/draw action. C Atty to assist Mgr in ne- gotiating proposals for new facility and renovated facility. THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 171 Date 10/15/86 No. Shore Optimists Club advised arrange - R -11E ments were made to waive the $1/tkt sur- charge for the 2/1/87 Peppy Fields' Night of Stars Var. Show in TOPA on 2/1/87. 11/19/86 R -8B Atty Rhea P. Grossman w/drew her 11/17/86 letter; advised still negotiating Theater of Performing Arts renovation project. Adm./negotiation com. to make sure that: 1) bond be required to ensure project comple- tion; 2) City protected re. bids bg. w/in budgeted amt.; and 3) theater be acousti- cally acceptable. THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 172 Date 2/4/87 C Atty distr'd copy of corr. recd. re items R -8E under negotiation w/Rhea P. Grossman, Esq. re. TOPA renovation project contr. Mgr advised negotiations continuing.