Tourism_June 1959 to December 1974-1"�->n WO( TOURISM j Book Page Report on tourism by Mr. Samuel Rivkind filed 6-17-59 42 120 Meeting date Leaders of tourist community, related industry, to be invited to conference hosted by CMB to discuss aiding economy of;'City. (From Addendum) presentation by Leisure Systems Inc., of a proposal for a program of research and analysis of Tourism's role in M.B: its impact, problems and potential. Members of the TDA will be present to hear presentation. 8-18-71 11/20/74 TOURISM 2 (cont'd) Date Deferred to 12/11/74 at 11:00 a.m., Time Certain. 11/20/74 At the request of Councilman Dr. Haber, who 12/11/74 indicated his concern with the attitudes of certain hotel employees and some employees of other establishments who are in contact with conventioneers and tourists, the City Mgr. was instructed to set up a Workshop Session for 12/17/74 at 4:00 p.m., to discuss possible so- lutions to the problem. Mayor Rosen designated himself and Councilman Dr. Haber as a Committee in connection with the Workshop.