Tourism_May 1979 to March 1979TOURISM (continued) possibilities as a light industry area, and advised he will be submitting a complete written report to the Commission. 12B Date 5/15/78 TOURISM 13 Date Memo #6934, Res. #78-15644 ado ted, authorizing 6/7/78 execution of acceptance of 5 ,250.00 TITLE IX Grant from EDA - refurbishing of M.B. Hotels. Administration authorized to proceed with re- quests for proposals for contractual services from professional consultants to fulfill grant terms. Grant application filed with records of meeting. (See Hotels, U.S. Government) Memo #6970, Res. #78-15657 adopted, authorizing 6/28/78 contract with D. L. Little Co., at a total fee not to exceed $41,500 for a period to expire 6/30/79, to provide service as project manager, Title IX, Economic Adjustment Strategy Grant. (See Hotels, U.S. Government) TOURISM Memo #7127, permit to Instant World, Inc., 1006 Lincoln Rd., M.B. Fla., authorized to op operate motor vehicles under provisions of Ord. #77-2098, Prepaid Tour Operators (CMB Code Chapter 42, Article IV, Sections 78-86). (See Latin Tour Operators, Occupational Licenses) 14 Date 10/18/78 Memo #7387, obtaining Tourism Agent Licenses. 3/7/79 City Atty. was requested to prepare a revised ord. for consideration at March 21, 1979 meeting. (See Latin Tour Operators, Occupational Licenses)