Traffic_April 1962 to March 1963TRAFFIC 79
Book Page
No objections voiced by Council re.
tandem parking on Collins Ave. between
69th and 75th Streets, as recommended
by City Mgr. Lipp 2-21-62 44 401
City Mgr. presents report from Metro re.
improvement of traffic conditons on
Alton Road in Dade Boulevard area. City
Mgr. recommends Engineering Dept. proceed
with plans for widening bridge at Alton
and Dade Blvd., and that County Mgr. be
asked for funds for widening pavements
and approaches. 4-4-62 44 467
Book Page
City Mgr. advises Metro has passed
amendment to traffic code re. erection
of traffic standing type signs and that
Chief Fox recommends Council protest
passage of this ordinance. Res. #10756
adopted protesting adoption by the County
Commission of ordinance giving County
jurisdiction over erection of standing
traffic signs. 5-16-62 44 504
Washington Ave. South Shore Ass'n calls
attention to reduction of on -street parking
fine by Metro from $2.00 to $1.00. Council-
man Powll says he was first to introduce
resolution calling upon County to make
this reduction. 5-16-62 44 520
Book Page
City Mgr. requested to contact Metro
authorities in effort to improve syn-
chronization of traffic lights at
intersection of Dade Blvd. and Alton Rd.
12-5-62 45 220
City Mgr. requested by Councilman Powell
to look into possibility of having a
traffic light placed at 17th St. and
Lenox Avenue. 1-2-63 45 254
City Mgr Pushkin presents County Attorney's
Opinion regarding extent of municipal
jurisdiction over traffic offenses occurring
within municipal off-street parking facili-
ties. The Opinion was accepted by City
Council with no objections. 3-6-63 45 361