Traffic_June to August 1963TRAFFIC 82
Book Page
City Clerk recommends that the back
of traffic violation tickets be
re -written to provide for a schedule
of fines for off-street parking violations.
Action deferred until next meeting.
Interested parties to be notified.
Overtime parking tickets not to be given
during events at Auditorium and Convention
Hall. City Mgr. to check into possible
use of envelopes to facilitate payment of
fines., which would be available and could
be placed in collection box.
6-19-63 46 7
Book Page
Letter from County Mgr. regarding
proposed improvements to alleviate
pressing traffic problems on Miami
Beach. 7-3-63 46 20
City Mgr. reports re. possible use of
envelopes in connection with payment
of traffic fines. City Clerk to secure
information from other cities as to
their experience. Reports from City Mgr.
and City Clerk and recommendations to be
submitted to Council. 7-3-63 46 2
Book Page
Proposed schedule of fines for traffic
violations on off-street parking areas
reviewed and discussed. Schedule of
fines approved. 7-3-63 46 29
Councilman Powell asks City Mgr.
to contact Metro with regard to
co-ordination of traffic lights on
Washington Avenue so as to provide
for continuity of traffic.
7-17-63 46 46
City Mgr. requested to contact Metro
Traffic authorities and request that an
Origin & Destination survey be made at
Dade Blvd. & Alton Road intersection.
8-21-63 46 90