Traffic Lights_October 1967 to February 1968TRAFFIC 91 BOOK PAGE Res. #12256 adopted advising Metro of necessity for signal installation at 1st and Ocean Drive; 10th Street and West Avenue; also requesting installation of pedestrian traffic signal in approximate middle of block of Washington Avenue between 9th and 1010-18_67 52 338 Streets. TRAFFIC City Manager to contact County Manager re. members of Council to appear before Metro to pursue request for traffic signals installation denied by Metro: 1st and Ocean Drive and Washington Ave. between 9th & 10th Streets. (10th and West approved on six-month trial basis). 12-20-67 52 472 City Manager to have survey made by Police Department to reflect if such signs are needed in areas whereerected ("NO TURN ON RED" signs.) Metro Traffic authorities to be asked to reexamine their program re. City of M.B. Also suggested that Mayor's Safety Committee study project. 1-3-66 52 92 BOOK PAGE 494 TRAFFIC & TRAFFIC LIGHTS No action to be taken now re. excessive signs ("NO TURN ON RED") at various intersections. Regarding additional signs at various locations, a petition was presented to have NO TURN ON RED signs placed in South Beach area. Review by Traffic Division with Metro was requested. 2-7-68 52 553 -93--- BOOK PAGE Report re. Traffic Light requests filed: 1st & Ocean denied; Washington Ave. between 9th & 10th Streets denied; 10th & West Ave. --light installed. 2-21-68 53 32