Traffic & Traffic Lights_October to December 1968TRAFFIC & TRAFFIC LIGHTS Complaints received from business establishments re. one-way traffic, Collins Avenue & Indian Creek Drive between 26th & 44th Streets. Motion that Manager request Metro authorities return streets to 2 -way traffic failed. Motion to hold public hearing with all affected business & hotel - apartment interests to be notified failed. 9-4-68 53 445 Report on traffic conditions, 2000 Block, North Bay Road --Metro Traffic Division has posted signs establishing speed limits. Police Department has institutedstrict enforcement of speeding laws. 10-9-68 53 504 97 BOOK PAGE TRAFFIC & TRAFFIC LIGHTS Consideration of request of M. B. Resort Hotel Association president to resume two-way traffic deferred to November 6, 1968. City Manager to request Metro Traffic Division to request a feasibility survey be made to revert to two-way. M. B. Planning Commission to study and submit recommendations. 10-9-68 Hearing called for December 18, 1968 to discuss request for resumption of two-way traffic on Collins and Indian Creek Drive between 26th and 44th Streets. Administration to review with Metro request re. placement of additional directional signs. 11-6-68 98 BOOK PAGE 53 504 53 574 TRAFFIC & TRAFFIC LIGHTS Hearing held and Council voted to retain one- way traffic pattern on Indian Creek Drive and Collins Avenue between 26th and 44th Streets. Director of Traffic and Transportation, Metro, extended cooperation in connection with place- ment of directional signs on Indian Creek Drive. Mr. Drucker, proponent of two-way traffic, to contact City's Traffic Division of Police Department re. signs desired, and Police Traffic Division instructed to work with Mr. Drucker and Metro. Mr. Sims requested to expedite synchronization of traffic lights throughout City. 12-18-68 54 83 99 BOOK PAGE