Traffic Lights and Congestion_July 1969 to July 1970TRAFFIC 103 Meeting date Traffic lights - Wash. & Linc., Collins & Linc. & Wash. - timing. discussion. Recommendations requested re congestion spots, and re acquisition to widen Collns betw. 59-63 Sts. 63rd St. congestion: Dermer requested MB Taxpayers Assn.to submit recommendatns for 2-4 agenda; Weinstein suggested City Mgr.get recommendatns from Metro. .Bayard Strell requested defermt to 2-18-70 pending receipt from Metro of recommendatns. 7-02-69 7-16-69 1-21-70 2-4-70 TRAFFIC 104 Meeting date 63rd St. congestion: see card 103 - deferred to 3-18-70. 2-18-70 Engineer appointmtj deterred to 3-4-70. 2-18-70 ...Mayor's motion to appoint failed. Councilman Ciment requested en- gineering company study MB problem, in interim Traffic Dept. to pursue with Metro. Councilman Weinstein suggested individual in Adm. to act as liaison with Metro. 3-4-70 63rd St. congestion: deferred to 4-1-70. 3-20-70 ....deferred to 5-6; Bayard Strell appearance. 4-1-70 ....deferred to 5-20. 5-6-70 TRAFFIC 105 Meeting date 63rd St. congestion: deferred to 6-3. 5-20-70 ....deferred to 6-24. 6-3-70 City Mgr. to contact 3 largest traffic engineering firms (TRW Inc.to be one) for study of our problem re 63rd St and 41st St.,expeditiously. Councilmen Greene, Goodman to appear before Metro requesting immediate priority and provision in their budget. Crowd control in traffic for major attractions at Conv. Hall &/or Auditorium; to be coordinated with Police Chief. 6-24-70 7-15-70