Traffic_March to April 1979TRAFFIC 117
(continued) Date
between 9th and 10th Sts., on Ocean Dr., 2) in-
stallation of a full signal light at the inter-
section of 10th St. and Ocean Dr., and 3) reduc-
tion of speed limit on Ocean Dr. to 20 m.p.h.
Mr. Kevin MacNaughton, Operations Engineer of
Dade Co. Dept. of Traffic and Transportation,
appeared and advised that Co. has been working
on a study of Ocean Dr. from 5th St. north to
15th St., which is not yet completed, and he
will present a more thorough report at April 4,
1979 meeting. Commissioner Friedman initially
requested Administration to prepare guidelines
for establishment of a committee to develop a
comprehensive plan that addresses, 1) engineering
of street crossing (signage, light placement, 3/21/79
etc.), 2) pedestrian education on hazards of
jaywalking, and 3) enforcement of speed limits;
this suggested committee to consist of represen-
tatives of Police Dept. and Administration, in-
terested citizens, Chairman of Safety Committee,
with County representatives to be invited to
participate, but indicated he would await County
report before pursuing his suggestion. (See
Metro -Dade Co.)
Letter submitted by Mr. Kevin MacNaughton,
Operations Engineer of Dade Co., Dept. of
Traffic and Transportation, outlining course
of immediate actions to be followed re: study
(continued) Date
of Ocean Dr. from 5th St. north to 15th St.
Mr. Eugene L. Simm, Co. Director of Traffic &
Transportation, appeared and presented pre-
liminary plans for coping with pedestrian cross-
ing problems from Dade Blvd. south, particularly
Ocean Dr. between 5th & 15th streets, funding
for which has been provided partially by State
and Federal governments. Mr. Simm was request-
ed to continue pedestrian traffic survey of
most dangerous locations, namely 5th and 10th
streets and Ocean Dr., to the peak evening
hours. V. M. Weisburd strongly urged that auto-
matic traffic lights be installed, especially
at the intersection of Ocean Front Auditorium. 4/4/79