Trash Removal of Stash Area_April 1976 to February 1979TRASH 7 (continued) Date streets for commercial purposes and feasibility 4/28/76 of proposal. LTC 26-77 C.A. opinion that public streets cant be used, etc. filed with records of this meeting. Mrs. D. L. Reynolds to submit petition of pro- 4/6/77 perty owners for removal of Stash Area at Chase Ave. and 34th St. To be scheduled for April 20, 1977. Mrs. D. L. Reynolds appeared and presented 4/20/77 photographs (to be returned to her) of area and a petition signed by neighbors, request- ing clean up and closing of Stash Area at Chase Ave. & 34th St.(set by Council 4/6/77). TRASH 8 (continued) Date City Mgr. advised that Sanitation Div. has been trying to reduce the use of this stash area, and the matter will be brought to conclusion within two weeks. 4/20/77 Discussion items requested by Councilman Dr. 10/5/77 Haber: 2) enforcement of City ordinances con- cerning littering and dumping of trash on streets, lots, alleys, etc.. He requested City Atty. and Administration to submit recom- mendations as to any legislation which may be needed to take care of the problems confronting the City. TRASH 9 Date During course of public hearing on Washington 2/28/79 Avenue Revitalization Plan, as a result of questions proffered by affected shopkeepers, 1) V.M. Weisburd indicated that she would pro- pose amendments to City Code to require private garbage collection firms service merchants and/ or residences, to haul away not only garbage, but trash, boxes, etc.; 2) Commissioner Weinstein requested Planners to address problem of shop- keepers who will be required to make expendi- tures to upgrade their stores, but who are being denied long term leases, and to determine whether ways and means can be devised to require a land- lord in affected area to provide long term leases, so as to protect interests of storekeepers;