Trash Master Sanitation Plan_February to May 1979TRASH (continued) 10 3) Commissioner Friedman reiterated request for Date Administration to submit specific strategy re- ports on clean-up of the South Beach area. 2/28/79 Memo #7360, Commissioner Friedman asked Admini- 3/7/79 stration to develop a master sanitation plan for City to establish goals for residential clean-up, licensing private haulers, commercial areas, etc., and suggested the establishment of an oversight committee for citizen review and input. (See Lot Clearing (Contracts)) Ord. passed on first reading re: amending City 5/2/79 Code by creating a new section -14A-5.4 - hearinq and second reading scheduled for TRASH 11 (continued) Date May 16 1979 at 2:00 p.m. City Atty. requested to evaluate the impact of possible amendments as proposed by Commissioner Sahl, to the effect that (1) it shall be deemed a misdemeanor if any person is caught dumping trash on another's property, and (2) a fine be imposed on repeat offenders. (See Garbage & Garbage Fees) 5/2/79 NOT ON AGENDA) / uring course of discussion re: Item R -8C - 5/2/79 Flamingo Park Master Plan, Commissioner Malek asked Administration to appoint a special task force to investigate and determine alternative solutions to alleviate the problems caused by this and other stash areas, and to submit a TRASH (continued) report at May 16, 1979 meeting. Commissioner Malek stated that stash area at 15th St. and Michigan Ave., should be closed in view of complaints he has received that it is a nuisance. He suggested that it the stash area is to remain active, that City consider acquiring the properties across the street so as to create a buffer. With respect to Com- mittee's recommendation to reactivate the stash area located at 34th St. and Chase Ave., Com- missioner Malek pointed out that City was en- joined from using this area as the result of a court suit. City Mgr. invited City Commis- sion input regarding methods of implementing 12 Date 5/2/79 5/16/79