Trash-Refer to Sanitation Division_May to July 1979TRASH 15 (continued) Date Clean City plans. (See Sanitation Division, Clean City Committee). 5/16/79 Commissioner Malek asked that report being 6/6/79 developed by Administration,addressing pro- blems caused to neighbors of this Flamingo Park Stash Area, be made available as soon as possible. City Mgr. advised that report would be distributed within 24 hours. Note: L.T.C. No. 51-79, delineating possible alternative sites, distributed to Commissioners later in meeting. (See Sanitation Division) TRASH 14 Date Memo #7567, relocation of Flamingo Park Stash 6/20/79 area. Temporary 6 -month relocation to area south of present Mechanical Maintenance shop at Alton Rd., and 3rd St., approved; area to be vacated by January, 1980. V.M. Friedman asked Administration to remove accumulated trash regularly and as frequently as possible and to do all possible to avoid rodent infesta- tion and odor problems in the area. Commissioner Weisburd asked Administration to expeditiously determine an appropriate alternative permanent stash area site. (See Flamingo Park Stash Area) TRASH Memo #7605, transfer of $10,000 from Contin- gency Fund for purchase of trash receptacles, approved. (See Public Utilities Dept. Mayor Haber requested strict enforcement of 7/18/79 Littering Ord., and issuance of summonses to persons found dumping trash on city streets. (See Clean -Up) City Mgr. reported that Alton Road stash area 7/18/79 was being placed as far west as possible and that maximum deodorizing provisions were being made. He also advised that preparation of this area would be completed within a week, 15 Date 7/18/79