Trash Stash Location_July to September 1979TRASH
at which time Flamingo Park stash area would
be vacated.
Memo #7661, ratification of emergency award
by City Mgr. for cleaning Flamingo Park Stash
Area, amount of award: $14,000.00. Waiving of
formal bid procedures and emergency award to
Fortune Contractor, Inc., ratified. Funds ob-
tained from Public Utilities Dept. Professional
Services Account to be subsequently reimbursed
from Community Development Funds. (See Flamingo
Request of Barbara G. Brooks, Normandy Shores 9/5/79
Homeowners Assoc., to discuss: a) landscaping
of Normandy Shores residential area; b) re-
moval of dump west of island. Re:a) Admini-
stration directed to give priority to beauti-
fying and landscaping area after meeting with
Homeowners Association. Re: b) Commission
announced policy decision to close stash area.
Administration directed to meet with property
owners to discuss possible alternate sites,
and to submit a report and recommendation with-
in a period of 30 to 60 days. Commissioner
Weisburd requested information as to costs in-
volved in moving the stash area. V. M. Friedman
suggested that unused bond funds be diverted
(continued) Date
to fund a new stash area. Administration re-
quested to work with homeowners in creating a
plan for future use of the stash area that
will be vacated. (See Sanitation, Landscaping) 9/5/79
Mrs. Mildred Falk, President of M.B. Home- 9/5/79
owners Association, Inc., request tc, discuss:
1) Normandy Isle Stash Area - a) removal of
stash -dump from Normandy Isle opposite the
Club House. b) planning and construction
of an alternate system of collection of
garden trash if and when dump on Normandy Isle
is closed. c) planned development of the
cleared area, now used as a dump, for recrea-
tional purposes. (See prior entry this date)