Trees_January 1975 to February 1976TREES 11
(cont'd) Date
be placed on 2/5/75 agenda. 1/15/75
Memo #4982, Annual Tree Give -Away on City
Anniversary, March 25, 1975, approved. 2/5/75
Memo #4958, proposed change of policy on
removal of palm trees on private property,
(deferred from 1/15/75). Recommendation of
Admin. approved. (Alternate 4, as set
forth in Council Memo 4958.)
Councilman Dr. Haber has observed that removal 6/18/75
of blighted palm trees has not been proceeding
quickly enough, possibly causing healthy trees
to be infected. To expedite program, Admin.
authorized to 1) expend up to an additional
$20,000 from Contingency Funds; 2) utilize the
2nd & 3rd bidders on existing bid list for tree
removal contract. Councilman Spaet requested
Admin. to attempt to give consideration to those
property owners who, prior to institution of City
tree removal program, had complied with law and
had removed trees at their own expense.
(LTC 303-75 Status report filed with meeting)
Re. Budget Advisory Committee recommendation 9/25/75 B.H.
that City institute charge to property owners
for removal of trees diseased by lethal yel-
lowing. Discussion held. Existing policy to
remain in effect. (City removes)
Status report on lethal yellowing control 2/4/76
program,deferred to 2/18/76.
Councilman Weinstein suggested that the City's 2/12/76
tree replacement program be accelerated so that
replacement trees are available at cost to pro-
perty owners. In reply to U.M. Haber's request,
Admin. advised that a renewed effort would be
made to educate the public that it is essential
that their trees be innoculated every 3 months.
In reply to Councilman Meyerson's comment that
complaints had been received from property owners
in the north end of City that their trees had not
been removed under the old program, Parks & Rec.
Dir. Roger Brown advised that every attempt would
be made to contact every property owner when the