Trees Replacement_February 1976 to March 1977TREES 14
(continued) Date
tree crews were working in their zones. 2/12/76
Memo #5606, annual Tree Give -Away on 3/17/76
March 25, 1976, approved.
Memo #6054, diseased palm tree removal pro- 11/24/76
gram, deferred to Dec. 8. 1976.
Memo #6054, diseased palm tree removal program, 12/9/76
(deferred from 11/24/76). Council approved dis-
continuance of current program of removing
diseased palm trees from private property at no
cost to residents, and established cut off date
of Jan. 15, 1977, for receipt of any additional
requests to remove diseased trees.
Discussion of possible $300,000 Bond Issue
for City-wide replacement of palm trees de-
stroyed by lethal yellowing disease. Requested
by Councilman Hal Spaet. Deferred to 1/19/77
Discussion of possible $300,000 Bond Issue for 1/19/77
City-wide replacement of Palm Trees destroyed
by lethal yellowing disease, (deferred from
1/5/77). Deferred to 2/2/77 meeting for full
Memo #6236, annual free tree distribution on 3/16/77
City anniversary, March 23, 1977, approved.